LEGION Model Builder Help

Visibility-based Analysis Zones

A unique feature of Analysis Zones is that they can be drawn and placed according to 'visibility'. This means that, from a chosen viewpoint (a single point or a defined segment), the shape and extent of an Analysis Zone can be calculated and placed according to how visible an area of your model is from the chosen viewpoint.

This method limits the shape and size of the finished zone by viewing distance and viewing angles: it stands to reason that physical objects can only be viewed within a certain distance and between certain angles. This drawing method produces a shape, which reflects these physical and optical limitations.

This is useful when you want to analyse the impact of signs, information boards, or advertisements within a site, while taking obstacles and interruptions to sight lines into consideration. An Analysis Zone can be placed that covers just the area in which Entities can view a certain element of the venue, thus honing in on its effectiveness as a source of information and influences movement.

Note: When placing an Analysis Zone, you have the choice of calculating visibility from a single point or a segment.  A point is useful for small areas like a camera lens; a segment is better for wider objects like information boards, or signs, or shop windows. The procedures for both are slightly different.